a Unique approach to keeping a healthy body and mind and bringing harmony and balance
Ayurveda is the science or knowledge of life and is a completely holistic approach to life. It is the sister science to Yoga and is over 5,000 years old.. It is a way of living in harmony with yourself and with the environment. it is a way of achieving an optimal state of well-being through lifestyle practices, nutrition daily routines, self-care and natural and healing extracts and remedies.
It works with the 5 Elements that surround us all; earth, air, water, fire. and space. Everything is connected and ayurveda gives us a way of bringing everything into balance and works at keeping us at all in more harmony with ourselves, more in harmony with each other and more in harmony with the planet.
The key for each of us is working out which of the 5 elements are dominant within us and this is what is then known as your own unique Dosha type. We can then work on balancing out the other Elements and bring all 5 elements into harmony.
life changes and as it does so it affects the elements within us, so we need to make Ayurveda part of our daily lives so that we can all learn to live in more harmony and find more balance.
Julia will help you explore and understand more about how you can use Ayurveda and how you can incorportate its science into your practice and into your daily life.
This can be done as part of your one to one sessions or as an individual consultation.